Universal Rays HealingA Universal Rays healing is either in person or distance ( via the computer). An in person session-is a hands on healing session where you lay fully clothed on a massage table. The practitioner places their hands on your chakras (energy centers) and transmits the gentle healing energy of the 12 Universal Rays.
Each of the 12 Rays brings forth an energy or a consciousness that offers healing and learning. You will re-balance what is out of balance and will receive healing energy in this magnificent session through three different modalities.
You will also have the opportunity to clear blockages that do not serve you by breaking agreements held within yourself. We work through 12 bodies, 19 chakras and 14 meridians. The Universal Rays Healings brings you the opportunity to come into balance and work in your highest potential. Nancy Cohen is a Universal Rays Level Three Healer and a Universal Rays Teacher certified under the teaching and authority of In’Easa Mabu Ishtar of the Ashram of the One Heart, Australia. Come and experience this unique healing modality for yourself. The first session is approximately two hours long and all follow up sessions are one hour. All healing modalties are for their unique energetic value and are not considered substitutions for Medical Treatment by licensed Medical Practitioners at any time. Classes and Individual Sessions are offered at Feeding The Body Feeding The Soul. Additionally Nancy is an approved and certified Universal Rays Teacher under Ineasa Mabu Ishtar. See The Classes Page for details on how to train in this modality. |
Universal Rays Soul Ray ReadingSoul Ray Reading-
A Universal Rays Soul Ray Reading is a one hour session to assist you to determine what your Soul has come in to learn through the Rays of Conscious Intelligence of the Universal Rays Healing program. In this session you will discover with a trained practitioner the rays of your being and come to embrace the wisdom and opportunities for growth about all that you are. It is a stand alone process. It does not involve the Universal Rays Healing. You will learn what rays you have come in on and the lessons and opportunities they offer you in your Soul Body, Monadic Body, your Ego Ray, Mental, Emotional, Physical Bodies and what you are here to learn from and heal for your Ancestral Group. We offer the suggestion to book a First Universal Rays healing session on our booking calendar link or start here with this wonderful first step of a Soul Ray Reading. Blessed Be. |